Questions, answers....a few familiar faces.. a lot unknown.. the photo exhibition has come to an end. Somebody asked me, "Whats your take away from this project?" I could only smile and say, "the realisation that i have a long journey ahead... "
Jyothy Karat at the 'Meet the Artist session' on Saturday, 13 December 2008 at Max Mueller Bhavan, Bangalore. Photo by Dr.Vivek.M
08 Dec 2008 Near Russel Market, Bangalore : An english speaking, burka-clad Naadiya explained how the khoa, a milk product (which were selling like hot cakes at 'Tanveer's' shop,) is used to make sweets for the EID celebrations.
07 Dec 2008 Near Russel Market, Bangalore : Children have fun with the cattle bought by their families for the 'Kurbani' (sacrifice) slated to happen on the day of 'Eid-ul-fitr'. The cattle, oblivious to their sealed fate are fattened by their owners before the slaughter. Meanwhile, a man tries to make a living out of selling knives.
07 Dec 2008 Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore : People flock the streets of Shivaji Nagar on the weekend before EID to do their shopping.
The fumes were quickly fading away. With every passing minute, i feel that i will get it right. That at the strike of the next chord, an old memory will return. The cold air, the smell, the warmth of the sun on my skin.. The music flows on. And all that i could vaguely remember is the lily. I don't know for how long i will keep the music plugged to my ears in hopes of regaining what i had lost. Or may i should listen to people when they say that some things are lost forever...